I Didn’t Know You Could Bake Birthday Cake From Scratch: Parenting Blunders from Cradle to Empty Nest

I Didn’t Know You Could Make Birthday Cake From Scratch

Parenting Blunders from Cradle to Empty Nest 

I Didn’t Know You Could Make Birthday Cake from Scratch is the book for every parent who ever stuck a candle in a peanut butter sandwich and called it birthday cake. Or ever tried to crowd source her child’s braces. Or ever told her child to shut up and be quiet so she could finish reading a parenting magazine. It’s the little book of big parenting blunders, from cradle to empty nest, that will make other moms and dads feel really good about themselves.

Amazon Reviews 


The Buzz:

HumorOutcasts Radio with Dorothy Rosby

HumorOutcasts Radio: Mom vs. Dad broadcast with Dorothy Rosby and Tim Jones


Book Launch Party at Mitzi’s Bookstore on April 30, 2016  



Dorothy with friends at Mitzis