This week we have two women, both lawyers by education but both have forged unique and different paths. Check out their bios, books and get ready to see a lot about them this week.
Cathy Sikorski has been a significant caregiver for the last 25 years for seven different family members and friends. A published humorist, Cathy is also a practicing attorney who limits her practice to Elder Law issues. Her combined legal and humor expertise has made her a sought after speaker where she tackles the Comedy of Caregiving and

Showering With Nana by Cathy Sikorski
the legal issues that affect those who will one day be or need a caregiver (which is everyone).
Along with her speaking engagements, Cathy is a frequent guest on radio programs and podcasts where she talks about the importance of using humor in caregiving. With more than 30 years of law behind her, she provides critical legal information for our aging population. Her latest endeavor is a how-to guide all of us need to read Who Moved My Teeth?: Preparing for Self, Loved Ones & Caregiving (just awarded the 2018 Caregiver Friendly Award for Books) which follows her humorous memoir Showering with Nana: Confessions of a Serial (killer) Caregiver (HumorOutcasts Press 2015). Cathy has participated in memoir writing classes for two years at the prestigious Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Massachusetts. She has also participated in the Philadelphia Writer’s Conference where she won a Humor Prize in 2014. Cathy blogs for The Huffington Post and is a contributing author for and she can been seen on the West Chester Story Slam YouTube channel. Known as a “Thought Leader,” her work can be found in the HappinessRecipe Anthology: The Best of Year One, published 2014. Cathy maintains an active blog “You just have to Laugh…where Caregiving is Comedy…” at where she continues to post absurd yet true stories that continue today.
Contact Cathy Sikorski at [email protected]. You can also follow her on Twitter at @cathy_sikorski and Facebook.
Roz Warren, “the world’s funniest librarian,” writes for The New York Times, The Funny Times, The Christian Science
Monitor, The Jewish Forward and The Huffington Post. And she‘s been featured on the Today Show. (Twice!) Roz is the editor of the ground-breaking Women’s Glib humor collections, including titles like The Best Contemporary Women’s Humor, Men Are From Detroit, Women Are From Paris and When Cats Talk Back. Our Bodies, Our Shelves is her thirteenth humor book. Years ago, Roz left the practice of law to take a job at her local public library “because I was tired of making so damn much money.” She has no regrets. Roz continues her library laughs with her newest book Just Another Day At Your Local Public Library: An Insider’s Tales of Library Life
Website: Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter