Phil Dillman was born and raised in Homewood, Illinois. His parents went to church regularly at First Presbyterian Church of Homewood, with Phil and his sister, Laura, regularly attending Sunday School. Phil remembers some of the drawings he did during that time, one being an erupting volcano. This was inspired by the topic of creation. He was thrilled when the drawings done by the kids in the class were projected onto the wall of the sanctuary during a church service later in the year. There, as big as life, was his image of a volcano spewing and streaming molten lava down its sides. That was cool!
Nearly forty years later, Phil sings in the choir and finds inspiration for his drawings in the scripture lessons or the sermons. Many of the drawings are humorous (at least to Phil) while some are a bit more serious. Some of the references are obvious while some are a bit abstract or absurd. Either way, it is hoped that everyone will enjoy the books and not be offended by any of the scribbles.
By the way, Phil really is listening to what is being said during the service!
Phil is a truck driver during the week and is the Editor of two quarterly newsletters; one for the Pepsi-Cola Collectors Club and one for the Dillman Family Association (genealogy). He co-authored a book on Pepsi Memorabilia in 2000.
Phillip Dillman on Facebook

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