Stacey Roberts made readers laugh out loud with his debut book Trailer Trash with a Girl’s Name. When the author was born, his mother did the unthinkable. She gave him a girl’s name—Stacey. But Stacey’s name was just the first hurdle he’d…
Category: Publisher’s Blog
Musings from Publisher and authors
This week’s Highlight of Featured Authors Begins with Tim Jones, Jim Corbett and Illustrator Steve Hartley and I Am So Sick of White Guys
Week Five of Summer of Promotion: Cathy Sikorski and Roz Warren
Week 4 Summer of Promotion Focuses on your Physical and Emotional Well-Being
Week 3 of our HO Summer of Promotion Highlights Perry Block and Ginny Simon
Billy Dees for HO Podcasts Interviews Molly Stevens Author of Boomer on the Ledge
HumorOutcasts Radio Interview with Molly Stevens
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